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Common questions and support documentation
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Creating Stories
How do I run a report?
How do I publish My Story
What's a Story and how can I edit it?
How do I select and compare all counties in a state?
How do I cite BroadStreet?
How can I share My Story
Troubleshooting The Area Selector
How do I delete My Story
How do I add, edit or delete My Saved Areas?
How can I print My Story
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Data Dictionary
Area Deprivation Index and Vulnerable Populations — How do I find them?
Can I download the data?
How do I know the source of the data?
Can I upload my own data?
What is the current Indicator List?
How often is your data updated?
How can I request a specific indicator?
Comparing indicators to state benchmarks
Is BroadStreet available in other countries? Not yet!
Making Maps
What is a ZCTA? It is similar to a ZIP code
Can I click on the map to learn more about a specific area?
What is a Census tract
What is a block group?
How do I add boundaries to maps in the map room
How to save, share, and download a map?
Create a Map for My Saved Area with Indicators
Where can I find school district boundaries and school locations?
How do I hide or show areas on my map
Why is there no data for my area in the Map Room?
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Managing Account
How to Redeem a Sponsor Code
How to contact us
How do I Log In or Reset Password?
Can I delete my account at any time?
Video Tutorials and How-to Videos
Can I change the email associated with my account?
Change password in Account Settings
How to Redeem a Promo Code
How to Become a Sponsor
Known browser errors occur with Internet Explorer, Edge, and Safari
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Reaching Out
The “human” button at the beginning of a chat will get you to a person
How do I get the chat box to disappear?