Creating Stories (View All Articles)
- How do I run a report?
- How do I publish My Story
- What's a Story and how can I edit it?
- How do I cite BroadStreet?
- How do I select and compare all counties in a state?
- Troubleshooting The Area Selector
- How do I delete My Story
- How can I share My Story
- How can I print My Story
- How do I add, edit or delete My Saved Areas?
- How do I share a card
- What are the icons at the bottom of the cards
- What's the difference between Favorites and Stories
- How can I save to My Favorites?
- How do I co-edit a story
- How can I save cards to My Stories
- How to change Area Tags
- Share Stories of Community Change
- How do I move a card from one section to another
- The Different Types of Cards